Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
Ellie Mae, DOB: 10/06/11 Female Boxer / Terrier / Lab
Ellie Mae is a precious little pup who is almost 10 weeks old. She and her brother Bobby came up for adoption. Ellie is being treated for a skin issue that developed shortly after she received her first vaccine. She's doing well on the medicine and we expect her to be available for adoption soon. Ellie is working on house training and prefers to go outside to do her business. She quiets down nicely in her crate and is learning how to play with toys. She likes to chew on a bully stick. She's a relatively calm, quiet puppy. Both Ellie Mae and Bobby are sweet pups who need stay at home situations so that they can be properly socialized. They seem to have some bully breed in the mix, but the paperwork says "Boxer". The mother dog looks like a Lab / Bully mix, but was very sweet (owners kept her). Please fill out the online application to speed the process.