Jasmine, 10 weeks Female Shepherd/Lab
Jasmine and her littermate Aladdin are 10 week old Shepherd/Lab pups who are new arrivals so not available until 12/3 or thereafter. Please understand that we require puppy adopters to be at home, either working from home, have flexible hours, or trade off hours with a partner. Puppies can grow quickly and can be rough with small children, so they tend to do best with school aged and older. If you are interested, please fill out an online application so we can begin the adoption discussion. All our adopters receive a packet of information on training, health, and dog ownership. We do not believe in spaying/neutering young pups as they need hormones for proper growth, but we do reimburse a portion of your adoption donation after you have them altered at your vet when they mature. Please read our Holistic page for more information. A holistic approach to puppy and dog ownership will save you lots in vet care both now and when your dog is older.