Lacy, ~ 1 year Female Lab/Spaniel/Hound/Collie/Mutt
Lacy is a one year old female mixed breed mix (listed as a Lab but we don't see it). She is about a year old and has the brightest teeth typical of a young dog. As a pup she was tied out and ignored, so much that she outgrew her collar and it became embedded in her neck. She was treated for her wounds and is now ready for adoption. She has never held it against people and has the most beautiful personality. She's gentle with everyone she meets and she likes to bounce around the back yard sniffing and playing. She will gently put her paws up for attention, but not in a pushy way. We see her blossoming at the shelter and can't wait for this flower to unfold in her new home. Please be the most wonderful, dog-loving people. She deserves all the love and attention she can get. She loves kids and is great with other dogs. She has medium energy and loves to play. She's good in the car, friendly with everyone she meets. She hasn't been cat tested, but she has been fostered with other dogs. She sleeps in a crate at night. She will be available on 9/12/11.