Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  Jaynie, ~ 3 years Female Corgi/Chi/Elkhound  Mix

Jaynie is a little young female adult dog who needs a forever home. She is probably between 2 1/2 and 3 years. Wt. 15 lbs. She has a cute underbite and a turned-up nose and a round belly (she eats only 1 cup of food a day). She has the SOFTEST fur of all the little dogs in this group of rescues from WV. Her Massachusetts foster mom reports, "Jaynie follows me around but she doesn't beg for attention, just needs to be where I am and also to get a little pet now and then. She barks when she has to go out (is completely housebroken) and crates just fine. She's great on the leash. She seems fine with the cats - let's them sniff her and visa versa. She's good with adults and fine with others dogs (although needs to be the boss...too funny)." She was originally rescued from a hoarder in WV and has been with the rescuer for about six months who has worked with Jaynie and all the other little ones, getting them socialized, leash trained, and all medical. She is available on 07/02/10. Please do not call as we are trying to find homes for the dogs we have in house. Best to apply on our Web site, and select Apply to Adopt.