Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  Lucy, ~ 2 years Female Lab

Lucy is a 2 year old lab who weighs 55-60 lbs. She is playful and likes playing with other dogs. She loves the water, is great in the car, is not mouthy or nervous at all. Sometimes she will jump on you for attention when she's excited. She walks well on leash. She was a stray in TN who showed up at an animal lover's home and had her pups soon after. She is the mother to the pups: Samone, Sadone, Kuddles, Aries, and Neptune. Her foster mom says about her: Lucy has been my absolute favorite foster dog. When she came to me she was so emaciated it would make you cry. But with good food and supplements she has become a gorgeous black lab. Lucy and I have become very close. She is at my side at all times. When i move, she is right there beside me. She sleeps with me and seems to know when I'm not feeling well because she nuzzles her head into mine and seems to know when I need my meds. I cannot tell you how sad it is to say goodbye to this dear girl, but I pray that she has a chance in New England and gets the best home possible. Folks, let's not let Lucy or her former foster mom down. Please be someone who can be devoted to this wonderful dog! Our process is that you fill out the application first, then in one or two days we will contact you if your application is a match. Please read our guidelines under Apply to Adopt as some dogs require a stay-at-home and some dogs require a fenced in yard. Phone calls are discouraged as it takes time away from the care of the dogs to answer questions that might already be on our web site. We tend to put down everything we know. If information is missing, it's usually because we don't know. :-)