Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
Jazzy, 9-10 months Female Retriever
Jazzy is a sweet pup who is from WV where she was rescued. This little gal is just under a year old. She weighed only 35 lbs. so is probably full grown or will grow a little more. She's a nice size for someone who wants a retriever, but not too big. She is very friendly and has typical young dog energy, like a retriever! She is available 8/7/09. Our process is that you fill out the application first, then in one or two days we will contact you if your application is a match. Please read our guidelines under Apply to Adopt as some dogs require a stay-at-home and some dogs require a fenced in yard. Phone calls are discouraged as it takes time away from the care of the dogs to answer questions that might already be on our web site. We tend to put down everything we know. If information is missing, it's usually because we don't know. :-)