Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  LOST! Tonka, 12.5 years Female English Shepherd  Mix

We have had a third sighting of Tonka, so please don't give up on her! TONKA ESCAPED FROM HER ADOPTIVE HOME IN MILFORD ON CRICKET LANE. SHE WAS LAST SEEN IN UPTON ON EAST STREET NEAR CHRISTIAN HILL ROAD. SEARCH PARTIES ARE OUT POSTING POSTERS. IF YOU CAN HELP, PLEASE CALL SAVE A DOG AT 978-443-7282! THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU FOR HELPING! Tonka is a youthful 12.5 year old English Shepherd mix and came to us from a dog sanctuary in WV. Tonka is spayed, weighs about 55 pounds, and acts like a young dog. Tonka is a very sweet and affectionate dog who loves attention and a good scratch behind the ears, or just laying by your feet while you watch TV or read. She gets along with all dogs and loves kids. She has no fears of men. She picks toys out of her basket and throws them around, which is very cute. She does not act her age at all, especially when she is running around at full speed doing play bows at you. This dog is just an absolute love. She is totally housetrained and she crates well but, does not need to be crated at all. She doesn't exhibit any arthritis at all. We believe that she is healthier because she was not given the extra vaccinations that can push a dog into early aging.