Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  Sasha, 8 weeks Female Beagle/Bassett/Terrier  Mix

Sasha and her siblings are Beagle/Bassett crosses. They are 8 weeks old and have had their first puppy booster. They are cute and playful, love toys and romping around. They will be available after their health exam on Saturday, the 14th. We require an application that can be filled out on our web site, then we will contact you. We give preference to applicants who will keep them on a holistic protocol so that they will have long, healthy lives. History: The mother dog was killed by a car when the puppies were 4 weeks old. She was a Basset/Beagle cross, more the size of a Beagle but a bit long in the back and short in the legs. The father of the puppies is supposed to be a neighbor's "terrier" type dog, shorthaired, and his shoulders come to about the knees of the women. Medium-sized fella who runs free 24/7, black and white. The terrier is the only male dog who had access to the mother dog. Our adoption process is spelled out on the Web site, so please, no phone calls. Sasha can be seen by private appointment in her foster home.