Peaches, 6 years Female Pekinese
Peaches is a six year old Peke who is available March 20th. She was rescued in TN by a woman who takes in strays. She got her from a breeder who had bred and bred her until she was finished. Dogs don't last long in this kind of life. When she was rescued was filthy and had a little respiratory problem,we think from the dust and dirt at the kennel. She had an infection in her mouth from lack of dental care, and the vet thought at one point in her life, a broken jaw. This poor baby deserves a great life, especially after what she's been through. Despite her ordeal, she is very lovable, knows how to follow people to the refrigerator, plays with toys and all the other things you would expect of a little house dog. She gets along great with all the dogs and cats here, but she is not afraid of any dog so can be feisty with big ones she doesn't know. She sleeps in her crate with no fussing. She likes to go out and go potty in the yard and play with the rest of the dogs, but will use puppy pads too. Some accidents in the house, but usually my fault for not getting her out in time. She is an easy dog to have around. All her dental work is done, they did leave her snaggle tooth, The vet said it was not loose at all and did not want to pull it. Her little broken Jaw does not impede her eating at all. She has had a rough time, but is one of the best natured little dogs in the world. Application process is on our Web page, Apply to Adopt!