Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  Gina, 18 months Female Beagle/Basset

Gina is a beagle girl who didn't cut it as a hunting dog so she will be a nice family dog. She is gentle with children and great with other dogs. She is just spayed and is doing well. She was a trooper through her surgery and recovery. She is quiet as a mouse, not a barker. If she wants to go out she will make the cutest little noise that is like a woo woo. It's nice and quiet. She is a real sweet dog and deserves a great home. She has the short look of a basset and many basset features, but is listed as a purebred beagle by her owner. We didn't ask for papers as we don't care what her mix is, she just needs a good home.