Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  Ava, 1-2 years old Female Lab/Border Collie  Mix

Ava is an 18 month old "Border Retriever" who is a great dog. Ava was in a high kill shelter in TN and the workers there fell in love with her. They kept her way past her allotted time. When she did not get adopted, they called rescue, not mentioning that she was pregnant. About a month later she had 8 puppies. She has been a great mom to the pups. Ava is also very good with other dogs and with people. She has been in a foster home now with 7 adult dogs and 9 puppies and gets along great with everyone. Arriving 3/4 and available after her vet exam on 3/6.