Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  Bell, 10 years Female Beagle

Bell is a 10 year old Beagle girl who was rescued from a high kill shelter in AL. She was listed as urgent and both she and her pal, Sam the cocker, were in extreme danger of being euthanized so they were pulled from a shelter in Athens, AL. They are such sweet dogs, both deserve better. Bell is a curious beagle who is full of antics and still loves to play like a pup and give kisses. She has a ton of chutz-pah and if you like the beagle personality, she is your girl. Her foster mom swears she's a member of the Red Hat Club who is the life of the party, even though she knows the bloom is off the rose. She is into everything, and fast! Sam is like the little old husband that drives her to her shopping adventures and keeps her in martinis. They seem like they are so in love! She and Sam were flown up here from their foster home in NC by a very generous private pilot, can you believe. Anyway, we would be thrilled if placed together but we're also realistic and understand that they need homes, so are willing to place separately. Bell was spayed, but has a mammary gland that has to be checked out. Her eyes are bright as can be, no cataracts or anything. Bell was groomed compliments of Furry Essentials Grooming Salon in Worcester. Will not be at the meet and greet....can meet in the foster home.