Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  Savannah, ~ 2 years old Female Lab/Boxer  Mix
Savannah Savannah

Savannah is a 2 year old spayed female Lab/Boxer mix who has the cutest snaggle tooth. She could has a touch of bull dog or mastiff in her, but we're not sure. Anyway she is a dream dog for the right owner. She likes to chill with you, is not high energy, loves to hang out on the couch, loves her orange stuffie, will chew on a bully stick. She is the best companion and will be loyal as they come. From the back she looks like an English Lab of the Chocolate variety, but does not have the energy of the lab. She hangs out with us in the Meet-and-Greet room during the day, and sadly we put her in the kennel at night, where she howls for a bit before settling down. Her history: She was abandoned at a rescuer's home. She was placed in a fenced area with a border collie in Aug. 2007 where she lived until she was brought up north to find a loving home. She is spayed, utd on shots and heartworm preventative. She is a very affectionate dog, pretty laid back, calm. She really is a love of a dog with dynamic hazel eyes....they will mezmorize you! She will learn to love the car, but right now we are still working with her on that. An experienced dog owner who has trained with positive reinforcement methods would be our first preference.